Credit to Sheryl's site
Easier Crispy Waffles
2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 stick melted butter - saya letak lebihkurang 125 gm butter
2 cups warm milk - saya guna 1 tin susu cair 400ml + 100 ml air ..
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
The night before: -
1. Combine and whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
2. Combine the melted butter and milk. Add the mixture to the dry ingredients.
3. Whisk eggs and vanilla together in a separate small bowl. Add the egg-vanilla mixture to the other mixture, and whisk until well-combined.
3. Cover with plastic wrap and stick in the fridge until tomorrow morning.
The next morning:Prepare waffle iron as usual. Stir the batter to deflate it (it should be puffy and frothy). Add to waffle iron the same way you would other batter, keeping in mind that this batter will rise more than batters that use baking powder instead of yeast.
Nota/Cara yg telah diubahsuai sedikit
Saya mengadun waffle ni pada jam 630 am n pada jam 8.00 am adunan dah ready utk dimasak..
Satukan semua bahan kering (tepung, gula, yis, garam)
Cairkan butter n masukkan susu suam n telur, sebatikan n satukan dgn bahan kering.. gaul sebati.. cover dgn plastik wrap n biarkan pada suhu biasa/bilik....
Salam.. Hi Kak Dzana.. Wahhh rancak akak memasak time cuti2 sek ni.. Nur belom plan gi mana2 lagi sebab ada duty kat sek 2 Dis ni..
pukul putih telur tu sampai kembang macam mana ek? campur semua bahan atau putih telur je dulu?bahagian kek pun bantat la kak..maybe oven nora api bukan atas bawah kot..tension wo..baru nak surprise kat hubby..
first hero..bersungguh2 buat kali kedua(hahaha) tapi hero jugak..kali ketiga tgu dula aaa..heee
waffle ni masak macam mana..memg saja2 kena beli tempat masak dia tu ke..?
yuhuuu kak..nak waffle munge2 tu..lawo la acuan nih...
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