Monday, August 15, 2011


Minta maaf ... Ini N3 tertangguh.. atas permintaan rakan di bilik guru.. katanya teringat2 keenakan oreo cheesecake ni semasa potluck sebelum ramadhan tempohari.. kebetulan dlm sibuk2 mengurus jamuan tu .. teringat nak mengambil pic cheese cake yg tinggal banyak tu.. utk Aslina selamat mencuba yer.. resepi saya ambil dari blog DG Tested n Tested... TQ DG .. saya minta izin CP rspi disini.. dirujukan saya n dikongsi2kan bersama rakan lain..

Source : Cheesecake Seduction by Catherine Lau
CP : Tested & Tested
Biscuit Base:
200 gr Oreo cookies
90 gr Melted butter

Cheese Filling:
500 gr Cream cheese, softened
110 gr Caster sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
10 gr Corn flour
200 ml Whipping cream
3 Eggs, lightly beaten
100 gr Oreo cookies, chopped

Oreo Cookies for decoration (optional)

- For Biscuit base : Blend cookies until fine then mixed melted butter and mix thoroughly.
- Press into 8” round pan. Chill in the freezer to let it harden.
- Preheat oven to 150C
- For Filling : Beat cream cheese until smooth, add sugar, vanilla and corn flour, beat until smooth.
- Add whipping cream and blend until mixture thickens. Slowly pour in eggs and mix until just combined.
- Pour half the filling on the biscuit base. Add chopped oreo cookies on the filling. Pour remaining filling on cookies. Decorate few slices of cookies on top of the cake.
- Place pan in water bath. Bake for 1 hour or until filling is set but still soft in the centre.
- Turn oven off. Leave cake in oven for 30 minutes with door slightly open. Remove from the water bath and let it cool completely with the pan before refrigerate it.
- Cover cake and refrigerate for at least 6 hours before removing from pan.
- Slice and enjoy


  1. salam akak zana..

    wahh rajinnye akak mengecis kek yer...sedap nampak...dh lama tak wat ciskekk...~

  2. Wah kelihatannya sedap sekali, jadi pengen makan lagi. Glad that you like it as much as I do :)

  3. rajinnya.... ada lagi tak? sedap sangat nampak C&CCC tu...

  4. Waduh, nampak sungguh creamy... nak cikit boleh. Ni Along kasi Luih Limas seketul.... aik seketul jer..

  5. salam kak zana.. suka nya nampak cheese cake tu tambah ada oreo ... lama tak makan cheese cake

  6. Salam Dzana...waaaaahh kejiii taauu tayang ciskek pose2 nih..kita dah la malas nak buat...dah lama pun x buat..leleh air liur akak.. :) Dah wat kukis ke Dzana?

  7. pehhhh... meleleh air liur.. huhu

  8. Assalam cikgu..
    nampak sedap betul kek ni ..
    belum pernah buat lagi..cream cheese berkek..teringin nak buat ..
