Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Roti panas!!!!... baru keluar oven.. perggg... aroma kopi memenuhi ruang dapur .. mexico buns memang sedap makan panas2.. tak caya .. cuba la yer... Resepi CP dari dapur Mamafami.. saya tukar filling dengan butter sahaja.. 'sayang nak guna creamcheese yg tinggal seketul tu''.. hihihi.. tiru ayat ika siam ni ... TQ Mama...


Post by MamaFaMi (CP dari Mamafami)
Source : Aunty Yochanna via Rinnchan's Fotopages

Ingredients :

60 g castor sugar
120 ml water
10 g instant dried yeast
325 g High Protein Flour
1 teaspoon bread improver
1/2 teasppon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons milk powder
1 egg
45 g margarine

Method :
1. Mix sugar, yeast and water. Set aside till foamy
2. In the mixer bowl, mix all the dry ingredients.
3. Make a well in the middle and pour in the yeast mixture. Knead till the dough is elastic and smooth.
4. Prove dough for 45 minutes or till double in size.
5. Divide dough into 18 portions of 40g each and shape it into a ball. Rest the dough for 10 minutes.
6.Flatten the dough and place a spoonful of filling in the middle and cover with dough.
7.Arrange on a tray and prove dough for 45 minutes or till double in size.
8.Pipe the mexican topping on top in a swirl mode.
9.Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 15 to 20 minutes.

Cream cheese filling

Ingredients :

120 g Cream cheese
30 g icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

Method :
Cream all the above ingredients. Ready to use.

Note : untuk filling I use butter sahaja .. secukupnya .. ala-ala papa roti gitew)

Mexico Topping

Ingredients :
75 g margarine
60 g icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg, lightly beaten
75 g cake flour (I used plain flour)
1/2 teaspoon Nescafe granules

Method :
1. Cream margarine and icing sugar.
2. Add in egg and continue beating. Add vanilla essence and Nescafe granule.
3. Fold in flour and beat till well mixed.
4. Place the mixture into a piping bag and ready to use.


  1. perghhh kuatnya bau MB sampagi ganu!! bak dulu 2 ketul, berkeriuk perut tengok MB :)

  2. adus....dah lama teringin nk makan ni...mcm kene buat je esok..

  3. mmm,aromanya mmg memikat.kalau gi jj,jauh lg dah trbau bun ni.mlm2 tgk pic ni trasa lapar plk,klu ada kopi panas n seketul,2 bun yg sedap ni tentu blh stay up siapkan kerja yg bnyk ni :)

  4. sedap bun ni...lama dah tak buat..memang suka gak bau harum kalau bakar tu..rasa mcm tak sabar nk mkn terus..hehe

  5. Sedap mexico buns ni... Cuti sek ni jalan mana kak??

  6. cantik la mexico bun tu...

  7. As'salam Zana

    ct belum cuba lagi buat bun ni. rasa2nya kalau nak sangat makan tu baru buat kot. kalau dah namanya bun mestilah sedap, ditambah pula ada topping tu. emm..memang harum lah baunya satu taman boleh bau... hihihi

  8. yyuuuhhhuuu akak.. mmm harumnyer.. bau.. setakatni x pernah wat sendiri.. selalu beli jek he he he rajinnyer..sedapni...

  9. assalam,
    cikgu, sedap betul kita tengok roti nilah..cantik lagi..memang teruja nak buat lagi mexican bun ni dulu2 buat bertabur isinya terkeluar..heheh

  10. Salam Kak Zana,
    Dok berkira kira jugak nk buat mexico bun ni..bila habis kira baru boleh buat...hehehe.... best macam roti boy je.

  11. cantik & gebu.... dah lama tak makan dia nie....geremmmmm...
